A movement to Promote Blockchain Technology

The Internet of Value presently has a usability bottleneck, which will require continuing work in the future to improve. The usefulness of the Internet of Value is strongly connected to the Lithosphere project. To contribute to the usefulness of blockchain technology, we will start the “blockchain technology promotion movement.” For the Kaj Labs Foundation, this will be a long-term project.

In the form of technical salons, training camps, and seminars, this movement will continue to amass skills and technical information. We will encourage participants to provide content, which will be published on numerous websites and in the media. To grow the technical community of blockchain, we will provide monthly training sessions to recruit conventional Internet employees and other technical staff.

The blockchain technology promotion movement will bring together all forces, including universities, research institutes, businesses, institutions, governments, and alliances, to create a cooperative partnership and pool resources to support blockchain technology’s advancement.

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